
Teaching English through Drama and Literature

St. Marks Academy Drama. (n.d.). [Photograph]. St. Marks Academy. Thinking about the most effective ways to teach English, it is not common to think about doing it through dramatic representations. The sound of teaching students through a Shakespeare play and his "Elizabethan English" is not something that sounds easy, or appealing. But as it turns out, it  can be a magical experience for both teacher and students while also, practicing the language four skills in more than one meaningful way. The magic of teaching drama, lays on choosing the right play for our students and preparing them before, helping them during, and reflecting about it after. For children and teenagers, One Act plays are the best bet while using also the Communicative Approach method. Literature and drama can provide intellectual and emotional pleasure to our students, and going through a play and really understanding it, helps them "feel" the langu

By the time I´m 70

I have many plans for my future, but I rarely share them with anyone. I don't know if it is superstition or just shyness. But here are some of my plans. By the time I'm 70, I will be in good physical and mental condition. I will be living in another country, away from the city. I will still be married to my husband (hopefully!) and we will have a good and healthy relationship. I will also be a very cool grandma.  In the future, I am going to finish my degree. After that,  I am going to study another degree, a masters in teaching Spanish as a second language. My daughter will soon be done with school and as of now, she is planning to become an FBI agent 😰, while still doing gymnastics. I can't believe she will be graduating from school in 5 years , I still see her as my baby girl. As always, I will support her with every decision she makes, good or bad, I will support her. My husband and I are planning to move to another country in the next 10 years . We are looking f

An unusual day...

Last year was a hard year for everyone. It was the evening of Sunday, March 16 when the most unusual 24 hours of my life began. The government closed the country, the borders, the school, businesses, everything. We were listening to the President speak on the TV and we could not believe what was happening. My daughter was sitting in front of the TV until the president finished his speech, then she started crying when she heard she wasn't coming back to school. She spent a week without classes while the school planned what to do. My husband was calling his employees and told them to stay home while he figured out what to do.  That Monday , we were shocked to discover that the world had changed. We woke up to silence and everything we had planned was put on hold indefinitely . That day, my parents were calling us to see how we were doing, how was my daughter? to ask if we were scared? I was wondering what was going to happen to life as we knew it. If I had expected any

A day in the present...

I wake up at around 5 a.m everyday. I always drink a cup of coffee at this time, in my bed.  After that, I get up and exercise. At the moment, I am not working at a school. I am spending the pandemic at home with my family. Meanwhile, I am preparing myself to go back to teaching by getting professionally updated at UPANA. Right now, I use everything I learn to help my daughter, online education can become very difficult for a teen after such a long time.  I always feel very lucky to be able to do it. Occasionally, it is hard for me too, being home for so long and to have to be so careful when we go out, but it will pass. I often cook something delicious and healthy for my family to pass the time. I normally spend at least one hour reading everyday so it helps a lot. Right now, I am dedicating myself to my studies so I can get professionally updated. Currently, I am reading everything I can find that I believe is useful for my teaching practice and can help me reach my goal. Now, I am w